Archiv der Saalauktionen

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Die in den vergangenen Saalauktionen versteigerten Artikel können Sie in den Auktionskatalogen besichtigen. Die Erläuterungen zu den Katalogabkürzungen finden Sie im Abschnitt Bedingungen und Erläuterungen.

87th autumn auction of postal stamps (online)

87th autumn auction of postal stamps (online) Auktionskatalog
24. 11. 2024
die Ergebnislisten

86th autumn auction of bank notes, coins and orders

86th autumn auction of bank notes, coins and orders Auktionskatalog
23. 11. 2024
die Ergebnislisten

85th spring auction of bank notes, coins and orders (saturday)

85th spring auction of bank notes, coins and orders (saturday) Auktionskatalog
18. 05. 2024
die Ergebnislisten

84th spring auction of postal stamps (online, sunday)

84th spring auction of postal stamps (online, sunday) Auktionskatalog
19. 05. 2024
die Ergebnislisten

83th autumn auction of bank notes, coins and orders

83th autumn auction of bank notes, coins and orders Auktionskatalog
19. 11. 2023
die Ergebnislisten

82th autumn auction of postal stamps

82th autumn auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
18. 11. 2023
die Ergebnislisten

81th spring auction of bank notes, coins and orders

81th spring auction of bank notes, coins and orders  Auktionskatalog
21. 05. 2023
die Ergebnislisten

80th spring auction of postal stamps

80th spring auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
20. 05. 2023
die Ergebnislisten

79th autumn auction of bank notes, coins and orders

79th autumn auction of bank notes, coins and orders Auktionskatalog
13. 11. 2022
die Ergebnislisten

78th autumn auction of postal stamps

78th autumn auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
12. 11. 2022
die Ergebnislisten

77th spring auction of bank notes, coins and orders

77th spring auction of bank notes, coins and orders  Auktionskatalog
15. 05. 2022
die Ergebnislisten

76th spring auction of postal stamps

76th spring auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
14. 05. 2022
die Ergebnislisten

75th autumn auction of bank notes, coins and orders

75th autumn auction of bank notes, coins and orders Auktionskatalog
31. 10. 2021
die Ergebnislisten

74th autumn auction of postal stamps

74th autumn auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
30. 10. 2021
die Ergebnislisten

73th spring auction of bank notes, coins and orders

73th spring auction of bank notes, coins and orders  Auktionskatalog
30. 05. 2021
die Ergebnislisten

72th spring auction of postal stamps

72th spring auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
29. 05. 2021
die Ergebnislisten

71th autumn auction of bank notes, coins and orders

71th autumn auction of bank notes, coins and orders Auktionskatalog
19. 09. 2020
die Ergebnislisten

70th autumn auction of postal stamps

70th autumn auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
19. 09. 2020
die Ergebnislisten

69th autumn auction of bank notes, coins and orders

69th autumn auction of bank notes, coins and orders Auktionskatalog
09. 11. 2019
die Ergebnislisten

68th autumn auction of postal stamps

68th autumn auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
09. 11. 2019
die Ergebnislisten

67th spring auction of bank notes, coins and orders

67th spring auction of bank notes, coins and orders  Auktionskatalog
11. 05. 2019
die Ergebnislisten

66th spring auction of postal stamps

66th spring auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
11. 05. 2019
die Ergebnislisten

65th autumn auction of postal stamps, bank notes, coins and orders

65th autumn auction of postal stamps, bank notes, coins and orders Auktionskatalog
03. 11. 2018
die Ergebnislisten

64th spring auction of postal stamps, bank notes, coins and orders

64th spring auction of postal stamps, bank notes, coins and orders  Auktionskatalog
12. 05. 2018
die Ergebnislisten

63th autumn auction of postal stamps, bank notes, coins and orders

63th autumn auction of postal stamps, bank notes, coins and orders  Auktionskatalog
21. 10. 2017
die Ergebnislisten

62th spring auction of postal stamps, bank notes, coins and orders

62th spring auction of postal stamps, bank notes, coins and orders Auktionskatalog
13. 05. 2017
die Ergebnislisten

61th autumn auction of postal stamps, bank notes, coins and orders (2016-10-22)

61th autumn auction of postal stamps, bank notes, coins and orders (2016-10-22) Auktionskatalog
22. 12. 2017
die Ergebnislisten

60th spring auction of postal stamps, bank notes, coins and orders

60th spring auction of postal stamps, bank notes, coins and orders Auktionskatalog
23. 04. 2016
die Ergebnislisten

59th autumn auction of postal stamps, bank notes, coins and orders

59th autumn auction of postal stamps, bank notes, coins and orders Auktionskatalog
24. 10. 2015
die Ergebnislisten

58th spring auction of postal stamps, bank notes, coins and orders

58th spring auction of postal stamps, bank notes, coins and orders Auktionskatalog
25. 04. 2015
die Ergebnislisten

57th autumn auction of postal stamps, bank notes, coins and orders

57th autumn auction of postal stamps, bank notes, coins and orders Auktionskatalog
25. 10. 2014
die Ergebnislisten

56th spring auction of postal stamps, bank notes, coins and orders

56th spring auction of postal stamps, bank notes, coins and orders Auktionskatalog
03. 05. 2014
die Ergebnislisten

55th autumn auction of postal stamps, bank notes, coins and orders

55th autumn auction of postal stamps, bank notes, coins and orders Auktionskatalog
26. 10. 2013
die Ergebnislisten

32th written auction of postal stamps

32th written auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
20. 09. 2013

54th Spring auction of postal stamps, bank notes, coins and orders.

54th Spring auction of postal stamps, bank notes, coins and orders. Auktionskatalog
04. 05. 2013
die Ergebnislisten

33th written auction of postal stamps

33th written auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
20. 12. 2012
die Ergebnislisten

53th Autum auction of postal stamps, paper money, coins, orders and honors

53th Autum auction of postal stamps, paper money, coins, orders and honors Auktionskatalog
20. 10. 2012
die Ergebnislisten

52th Spring auction of postal stamps and bank notes

52th Spring auction of postal stamps and bank notes Auktionskatalog
21. 04. 2012
die Ergebnislisten

51th Autum auction of postal stamps

51th Autum auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
29. 10. 2011
die Ergebnislisten

50th Spring auction of postal stamps

50th Spring auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
16. 04. 2011
die Ergebnislisten

49th Autum auction of postal stamps

49th Autum auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
30. 10. 2010
die Ergebnislisten

48th Spring auction of postal stamps

48th Spring auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
24. 04. 2010
die Ergebnislisten

32nd written auction of bank notes

32nd written auction of bank notes Auktionskatalog
15. 01. 2010
die Ergebnislisten

47th Autum auction of postal stamps

47th Autum auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
17. 10. 2009
die Ergebnislisten

46th Spring auction of postal stamps

46th Spring auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
25. 04. 2009
die Ergebnislisten

31th written auction of bank notes

31th written auction of bank notes Auktionskatalog
28. 11. 2008
die Ergebnislisten

45th Autum auction of postal stamps

45th Autum auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
18. 10. 2008
die Ergebnislisten

44th Spring auction of postal stamps

44th Spring auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
19. 04. 2008
die Ergebnislisten

30th written auction of bank notes

30th written auction of bank notes Auktionskatalog
25. 01. 2008
die Ergebnislisten

43th Autum auction of postal stamps

43th Autum auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
20. 10. 2007
die Ergebnislisten

29th written auction of stamps, postcards, bank notes

29th written auction of stamps, postcards, bank notes Auktionskatalog
31. 05. 2007
die Ergebnislisten

42th Spring auction of postal stamps

42th Spring auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
21. 04. 2007
die Ergebnislisten

28th written auction of postcards

28th written auction of postcards Auktionskatalog
09. 03. 2007
die Ergebnislisten

41th Autum auction of postal stamps

41th Autum auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
14. 10. 2016
die Ergebnislisten

27th written auction of postal stamps and paper money

27th written auction of postal stamps and paper money Auktionskatalog
20. 10. 2006
die Ergebnislisten

26th written auction of postal stamps and paper money

26th written auction of postal stamps and paper money Auktionskatalog
19. 05. 2006
die Ergebnislisten

40th Spring auction of postal stamps

40th Spring auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
22. 04. 2006
die Ergebnislisten

39th Autum auction of postal stamps

39th Autum auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
15. 10. 2005

25th written auction of paper money

25th written auction of paper money Auktionskatalog
28. 10. 2005
die Ergebnislisten

38th Spring auction of postal stamps

38th Spring auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
14. 05. 2005
die Ergebnislisten

24th written auction of postal stamps and paper money

24th written auction of postal stamps and paper money Auktionskatalog
20. 05. 2005
die Ergebnislisten

37th Autum auction of postal stamps

37th Autum auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
11. 10. 2003
die Ergebnislisten

36th Spring auction of postal stamps

36th Spring auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
03. 04. 2004
die Ergebnislisten

23th written auction of postal stamps and paper money

23th written auction of postal stamps and paper money Auktionskatalog
23. 04. 2004
die Ergebnislisten

22th written auction of postal stamps and paper money

22th written auction of postal stamps and paper money Auktionskatalog
07. 11. 2003
die Ergebnislisten

35th Autum auction of postal stamps

35th Autum auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
11. 10. 2003
die Ergebnislisten

21th written auction of postal stamps

21th written auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
02. 10. 2003

34th Spring auction of postal stamps

34th Spring auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
26. 04. 2003

33th Christmas auction of postal stamps

33th Christmas auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
14. 12. 2002

20th written auction of postal stamps

20th written auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
01. 11. 2002

32th Autum auction of postal stamps

32th Autum auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
05. 10. 2002

19th written auction of postal stamps

19th written auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
26. 04. 2002

31th Spring auction of postal stamps

31th Spring auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
06. 04. 2002

30th Christmas auction of postal stamps

30th Christmas auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
15. 12. 2001

18th written auction of postal stamps and paper money

18th written auction of postal stamps and paper money Auktionskatalog
26. 10. 2001

29th Autum auction of postal stamps

29th Autum auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
06. 10. 2001

27th Christmas auction of postal stamps

27th Christmas auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
17. 12. 2000

26th Autum auction of postal stamps

26th Autum auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog

25th Spring auction of postal stamps

25th Spring auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog

die Ergebnislisten

16th written auction of postal stamps and paper money

16th  written auction of postal stamps and paper money Auktionskatalog

15th written auction of postal stamps and paper money

15th  written auction of postal stamps and paper money Auktionskatalog

28th Spring auction of postal stamps

28th Spring auction of postal stamps Auktionskatalog
14. 04. 2001

17th written auction of postal stamps and paper

17th  written auction of postal stamps and paper Auktionskatalog
27. 04. 2001