Antique banknotes and other paper money represent unique historical documentation. Their images directly reflect historical events. This might be a reason why notaphily became a world-wide collectors' interest in the second half of the 20th century. Of course, antique banknotes and other rare issues, such as coupons, unissued banknotes and others are the most popular. Among the rare Czechoslovak banknotes are the national banknotes of the First Republic, issues I and II.
No. | Photo | Subscription | Status | Note | Price | Display | Buy |
CZECHOSLOVAKIA (1919-1939) | |||||||
NO 13937 | 100 Kč 1920 série M | 1/1 | Baj. 016aM, Pi. 17 | 85000 Kč | detail | ||
NO 13935 | 100 Kč 1920 série P | 3/3 | Baj. 016aP, Pi. 17 | 33000 Kč | detail | ||
NO 18277 | 100 Kč 1920 série Af, 1x perf. SPECIMEN | 3/3 | Baj. 016b, Pi. 17s | 15000 Kč | detail | ||
NO 13936 | 100 Kč 1920 série Aa | 3/3 | Baj. 016bAa, Pi. 17 | 35000 Kč | detail | ||
NO 18080 | 100 Kč 1920 série Aq | 3/3 | Baj. 016bAq, Pi. 17 | 30000 Kč | detail | ||
NO 18455 | 5000 Kč 1920 série A, perf. SPECIMEN + 6x skartační otvor | 2/3 | Baj. 017A, Pi. 18s | 8000 Kč | detail | ||
NO 19203 | 5000 Kč 1920 série A, perf. SPECIMEN | 2/2 | Baj. 017A, Pi. 18s | 20000 Kč | detail | ||
NO 19653 | 5000 Kč 1920 série A, perf. SPECIMEN | 3/3 | Baj. 017A, Pi. 18s | 10000 Kč | detail | ||
NO 12605 | 5000 Kč 1920 série B, perf. SPECIMEN | N | Baj. 017B, Pi. 18s | 3500 Kč | detail | ||
NO 12604 | 5000 Kč 1920 série C, perf. SPECIMEN | N | Baj. 017C, Pi. 18s | 3500 Kč | detail | ||
NO 19204 | 5000 Kč 1920 série A, neperforovaná | 3/3 | Baj. 017mA | 60000 Kč | detail | ||
NO 11466 | 5000 Kč 1920 série C, neperforovaná | 2/2 | Baj. 017nC | 135000 Kč | detail | ||
NO 19650 | 5 Kč 28.9.1921, série 1 | 1/1 | Baj. 018-01-1, Pi. 15 | 15000 Kč | detail | ||
NO 18446 | 5 Kč 28.9.1921, série 7 | 1/1 | Baj. 018-07-1, Pi. 15 | 15000 Kč | detail | ||
NO 17917 | 5 Kč 28.9.1921, série 8 | 1/1 | Baj. 018-08-1, Pi. 15 | 15000 Kč | detail | ||
NO 13933 | 50 Kč 12.7.1922 série 022 číslovač 4d úzké číslice | 3/3 | Baj. 019a022, Pi. 16 | 70000 Kč | detail | ||
NO 19151 | 50 Kč 12.7.1922 série 035 číslovač 4d úzké číslice, pěkná zachovalost | 2/2 | Baj. 019a035, Pi. 16 | 90000 Kč | detail | ||
NO 12937 | 20 Kč 1.10.1926 serie C | 3/3 | Baj. 021a, Pi. 21 | 24000 Kč | detail | ||
NO 13945 | 20 Kč 1.10.1926 série Bh | 0/1 | Baj. 021bBh, Pi. 21 | 2000 Kč | detail | ||
NO 21057 | 20 Kč 1.10.1926 série Ra tisk Haase Praha | 1/1 | Baj. 021bRa, Pi. 21 | 38000 Kč | detail |