Hall auction - 26th written auction of postal stamps and paper money

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Protektorat C. a M. celiny / B. & M. postal stationery
728 Predbezne - velky ústrizek balik. post. pr?vodky na Slovensko frank. zn. c. 48, 55 (2x), pod. raz. PRAHA 3 4.12.41, zajimave 400
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729 Predbezne - velky ústrizek balik. post. pr?vodky na Slovensko frank. smis. cs.-protektor. frankaturou (cs. zn. c. 305, 309 4x, + protekt. zn. c. 20 a 24), pod. raz. PRAHA 49 14.11.39, pr?ch. a prich. 300
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730 CDV c. 6 / 1 -12, neupotrebene, kat. 1200.- 600
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731 5ks CDV c. 6 / 3, 4, 10 s pril. raz. (mj. PRC 16, PRC 98), 3x prosle 300
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732 CUP c. 1, celina Ústredni soc. pojis?ovny, neupotrebena 1000
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733 CAZ c. 1Pa Adresni zaznamni listek, neupotrebeny 400
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734 CAZ c. 1 Adresni zaznamni listek, neupotrebeny 200
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735 CZL c. 4y kompletni zalepka s okrajem, prosla R- a dofrankovana, raz. Horni Studenec 27.IX.43 300
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736 formular "Poukazkovy telegram" do Berlina s pod. raz. PRAG 22 27.4.42 frank. na zadni strane vysokou frankaturou 90K (jedna zn. odlepena), vzacne 2000
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