Hall auction - 33th written auction of postal stamps

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Filtered: Celiny od r. 1945 / Postal stationery after 1945 | 
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Celiny od r. 1945 / Postal stationery after 1945
867 CDV 190 50h 200
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868 COB 26 nepouzita 300
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869 2 ks Slovenskych obrazovych dopisnic 1,20K Hlinka s pretiskem Ceskoslovensko pouzitych 13.6. a 25.8.1945 200
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870 2 ks CDV 99 zaslane z veznice v Ceskych Budejovicich do Plzne s cenzurou s daty 4. a 14. 10.1951 200
200 Open in new window DOP.
871 Slozeny zalepkovy arch CZA 2 s razitkem VZOR - NEPREDAJNY 300
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872 Poukaz k vydaji - sluzebni formular k zapraveni nedoplatku postovneho! Velmi maly vyskyt, zajimave! 600
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873 Sestava tri ks postovnich vyberek CPV 26c, CPV 27fa CPV 33, nepouzite! 300
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