Hall auction - 46th Spring auction of postal stamps

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Ostatni od roku 1929 celistvosti / Next from 1929 entires
450 sestava 14 ks celistvosti z let 1926 - 39 (1x RECO) do USA , zajimave frankatury, razitka 500
500 Open in new window DOP.
451 post. poukazka na Podkarpatskou Rus frank. zn. c. 208 s raz. PRAHA 7 6.8.29 dofrank. zn. c. 204, 245 s radkovym raz. Vyplatni stvrzenka + prich. dvojjazycne raz. RAKOSIN 9.8.29, zajimave 400
1400 Open in new window DOP.
452 R-dopis do Mlade Boleslavi frank. dvoupaskou zn. c. 303 + zn. 350, pod. raz. BRATISLAVA 28.1.39 + prich. raz. 400
Open in new window DOP.
453 R-EXPRES dopis do Jugoslavie frank. zn. c. 242 (2x), R-nalepka a pod. raz. PRAHA ORELSKE DNI 1929, V. tarifni obdobi, vzacne, zajimave 1000
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454 R-EXPRES dopis do Brna frank. nasobnou frankaturou zn. c. 350, pod. raz. VYSNI SVIDNIK 27.1.39, prich. raz. BRNO 2 28.1.39, zajimave 1000
1000 Open in new window DOP.
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