Hall auction - 45th Autum auction of postal stamps

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Filtered: Rakousko celiny / Austria Postal stationery | 
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Rakousko celiny / Austria Postal stationery
1827 celina Mi. P c. 1 s pod. raz. BIELITZ 13.10.69, vodorovne i pres zn. lom, velmi vzacne 1200
Open in new window DOP.
1828 KL Mi. P 18 znehodnoceny skrtem + prich. raz. 23.3.70, zajimave 600
Open in new window DOP.
1829 obalka potrubni posty Mi. c. 1 + Mi. c. 2a, nepouzite, patina, 180 EUR 500
Open in new window DOP.
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