Hall auction - 45th Autum auction of postal stamps

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Polsko / Poland
1616 Taborova posta - sestava 4 ks zn. Woldenberg 600
600 Open in new window X/O
1617 R-dopis frank. Bl. Mi. 10 se zn. Mi. c. 486 ..., pod. raz. CIESIN 1.7.48, raz. arsik 400 EUR 3000
Open in new window DOP.
1618 Taborova posta - KL s natistenou zn. a raz. WOLDENBERG OB - OF - II - C 13.6.43, zajimave 500
Open in new window DOP.
1619 Taborova posta - KL s natistenou zn. a raz. WOLDENBERG 1200
Open in new window DOP.
1620 Plebiscit - Haute Silesie frank. zn. 20pf (2x), a 1M (2x) s raz. BLEISCHWITZ 17.4.22, dobra kvalita 300
300 Open in new window DOP.
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