Hall auction - 45th Autum auction of postal stamps

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Protichudne dvojice / tete-beche
417 TBb, TBa c. 144 - 157, kat. cena 9000 Kc 7000
7000 Open in new window XX
418 zn. c. 148 TBa + TBb ve vodorovne dvoupasce (14ti-blok) s raz. VELKE JIRNY 1750
Open in new window O
419 zn.TBa c. 148 nekompl. s vynechanou svislou perforaci, zk. Mrnak 3600
Open in new window X
420 vystrizek frank. 8mi-blokem zn. c. 154 TBa s raz. TEPLICE SANOV 7.10.22 200
Open in new window V
421 vystrizek frank. zn. c. 156 TBa s raz. PRAHA NEZINARODNI KONGRES OLYMPIJSKY 600
Open in new window V
422 firemni dopis do Vidne frank. zn. c. 146 TBa ve ctyrbloku, 154 TBa ve ctyrbloku s retusi listku, pod. raz. PRAHA 1 20.1.22 400
400 Open in new window DOP.
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