Hall auction - 44th Spring auction of postal stamps

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Filtered: Husita 1920 / The Hussite | 
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Husita 1920 / The Hussite
508 zn. c. 162 N - 163 N 260
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509 zn. c. 162, 163 ve 100kusovych arsich s DZ 3 resp. DZ 2, kat. cena 1000 Kc 750
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510 zn. c. 163 s vynechanou vodorovnou perforaci, 163 N se stroj. obtiskem na lepu bez tisku na predni strane viz. Monografie dil II, str. 356 600
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511 cenne psani na 5000K frank. mj. zn. c. 162, pod. raz. PRAHA 1 2.3.21 800
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