Hall auction - 30th written auction of bank notes

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Filtered: Taborova platidla 1914 - 1918 Austria Camp Money 1914 - 1918 | 
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Taborova platidla 1914 - 1918 Austria Camp Money 1914 - 1918
167 Antalocz (Antalovci), 50h b.d. Industriegruppe ..., sucha pecet, D.H. 301.1.1b 10000
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168 Antalocz (Antalovci), 50h b.d. Industriegruppe ..., bez raz., D.H. 301.1.1c 5000
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169 Csot, 10h 1.8.1916, Ri. 10.a 180
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170 Csot, 20h 1.8.1916, Ri. 10.b 180
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171 Csot, 1 K 1.8.1916, Ri. 10.c 180
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172 Csot, 5 K 1.8.1916, Ri. 10.d 180
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173 Csot, 10 K 1.8.1916, Ri. 10.e 160
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174 Deutsch Gabel (Nemecke Jablonne), 2h s.E, 10h s.D, 20h s.C, 50h s.B, 1K s.D b.d., D.H.303.1.1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5a 900
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175 Dunaszerdahely (Dunajska Streda), 10h b.d., na R kulate fial. raz. 36mm, D.H. 304.1.1b 4000
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176 Dunaszerdahely (Dunajska Streda), 20h b.d., D.H. 304.1.2a 4000
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177 Dunaszerdahely (Dunajska Streda), 1 K b.d., D.H. 304.1.3a 4000
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178 Dunaszerdahely (Dunajska Streda), 2 K b.d., D.H. 304.1.4a 4000
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179 Dunaszerdahely (Dunajska Streda), 5 K 15.1.1916 s cervenym radk. raz. "K.u.k. Kommando..." na A i R + fialove kulate raz. s dvojitym ram., ver. raz. "e", D.H. 5a 500
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180 Hajmasker, 1 K 1914, Ri. 21.I.a 180
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181 Hajmasker, 1 K, 2 K 1914, Ri. 21.I.a, b 600
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182 Hajmasker, 2 K 1914, Ri. 21.I. b 180
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183 Königshof (Kraluv Dvur), 1 K 1.1.1916, bez perforace, perfektni zachovalost !, D.H.305.1.6a 2000
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184 Leibicz (Lubica), 1f 15.7.1915, D.H.306.1.1a 1000
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185 Nagymegyer (Velky Meder), 50h 1.7.1916 serie MS, D.H. 308.3.b, Ri. 37.h.1 180
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186 Nezsider, 1 K 1.7.1916, Ri. 38.c 200
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