Hall auction - 29th written auction of stamps, postcards, bank notes

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Filtered: Rakousko - posta v Turecku / Austria post in Levante | 
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Rakousko - posta v Turecku / Austria post in Levante
1827 KL Mi. c. P 7, raz. Constaninopel III, r. 1889, prich. raz. 500
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1828 KL Mi. c. P 10, raz. Smirna, r. 1897, prich. raz. 500
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1829 KL Mi. c. P 11 dvojita, raz. Constaninopel, r. 1894, prich. raz. Brno 800
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1830 KL Mi. c. P 14, raz. Constaninopel, r. 1901 400
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1831 KL Mi. c. P 16, raz. Smyrna, r. 1908 300
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1832 KL Mi. c. P 22, raz. Salonica, r. 1910, prich. modre raz. Prag 500
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1833 zalepka Mi. c. K 5, raz. Beyrut, r. 1896 400
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