Hall auction - 26th written auction of postal stamps and paper money

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Pohlednice mistopis CSR / Postcards CS
1141 Freudenthal, bar. pohl., Eisenbahnviadukt, prosla 150
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1142 Gross Tajax (Dyjakovice), bar. vicezaberova pohl., prosla 200
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1143 Grulich, bar. pohl., kolaz, prosla 180
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1144 Gundrum (Komorany - okr. Vyskov), cb. vicezaberova pohl., post. neprosla 350
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1145 Habrovany (okr. Vyskov), bar. pohl., post. prosla 1906 400
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1146 Habrovany (okr. Vyskov), cb. vicezaberova pohl., post. neprosla 400
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1147 Harachov a okoli, bar. pohl. s turistou s cb. skladackou, prosla 1920 400
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1148 Heraltice, cb. vicezaberova pohl., prosla 1912 350
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1149 Hodonin, bar. pohl., Besedni d?m, prosla 1903 450
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1150 Hodonin, cb. fotopohlednice, nadrazi, post. prosla 1902 600
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1151 Holubice (okr. Vyskov), cb. vicezaberova pohl., post. neprosla 500
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1152 Horice, bar. pohl. s postovni schrankou s cb. skladackou, prosla 1912 400
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1153 Hradek - Slavicin, zeleznicni stanice, cb. vicezaberova pohl., prosla 1921 450
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1154 Hronov n. M., bar. pohl. s pos?akem s cb. skladackou, prosla, odpadena zn. 500
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1155 Hruba Voda (Gross Wasser), cb. pohl., nadrazi, prosla 400
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1156 Hrusky (okr. Vyskov), bar. vicezaberova pohl., pivovar, post. neprosla 450
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1157 Chce?, jednobar. okenkova kolaz, dlouha adresa, Pozdrav z Chocne, pouzita 1901 150
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1158 Cholina, bar. vicezaberova litograf. pohl., prosla 1905 400
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1159 Ivan u Tovacova, cb. vicezaberova pohl., prosla, odpadena zn. 400
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1160 Ivancice, bar. pohl. kolaz, post. prosla, strzena zn. 900
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