Hall auction - 26th written auction of postal stamps and paper money

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Pohlednice namety / Motif postcards
1341 bar. lito. pohl., prani z maskarniho balu, prosla 1899 300
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1342 bar. pohl. A? zije Anna, letaci stroj, prosla 1926 150
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1343 bar. pohl., prani, letaci stroj, prosla 1903 200
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1344 bar. vytlacovana litograf. pohl., prani, prosla 100
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1345 bar. vytlacovana litograf. pohl., prani, prosla 100
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1346 bar. pohl., zena na biciklu, neprosla, natrz. 150
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1347 cb. litograf. pohl. s jezevcikem, dirky po spendliku 150
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1348 cb. pohl. s r?znymi propag. nalepkami, neupotrebena 250
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1349 drevena pohlednice, zena s biciklem, prosla 1898 z vystavy, raz. Wien 300
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1350 Cikani, cb. fotopohlednice - cikanska kapela, prosla PP 1919 150
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1351 Cirkus Barnum and Bailey, bar. lito, sloni, prosla 250
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1352 Certi, Gruss vom Krampus, zlacena, neprosla 150
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1353 Certi, vytlacovana pohl. s certem, neprosla 150
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1354 Certi, vytlacovana pohl. s certem, prosla 1898 200
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1355 Eroticke, cb. fotopohlednice, neprosla 150
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1356 Heraldika, bar. pohlednice se znaky mest Svycarska, nepouzita 150
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1357 Heraldika, sestava 4 ks bar. pohlednic se zemskymi znaky Rakouska, nepouzite, dobra kvalita 400
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1358 Laska, tri bar. litograf. kolaze, nepouzite, dobra kvalita 250
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1359 Laska, sestava 6 ks secesnich bar. pohlednic, dlouhe adresy, pouzite 1900 400
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1360 Letecke, cb. fotopohlednice Zeppelin nad Prahou, neprosla 200
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