Hall auction - 26th written auction of postal stamps and paper money

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Filtered: Celiny od roku 1945 / Postal stationary after 1945 | 
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Celiny od roku 1945 / Postal stationary after 1945
990 CZA c. 3a cesko-ma?arsky text, neprelozeny, neupotrebeny, kat. v teto kvalite cenu neuvadi, slozeny 6000.- 4500
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991 CZL c. 5 dofrank. + dorucni zn. DR3, vystavni raz., prich. raz., r. 1946 200
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992 CPH c. 1 a 2 / 1 - 64, neupotrebene, bezvadne 500
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993 CPH c. 52 / 1 - 8, neupotrebene, bezvadne 300
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994 CPH c. 53 / 1 - 8, neupotrebene, bezvadne 550
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