Hall auction - 26th written auction of postal stamps and paper money

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Filtered: Holubice 1920 / Dove | 
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Holubice 1920 / Dove
271 ZT b zn. 20h, v modre barve na kridovem papire bez lepu, knihtisk 400
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272 ZT cernotisky (5ks) + ZT v orig. barvach na bar. papirech (8ks) 150
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273 bar. pohlednice zaslana do Jizni Afriky, frank. na predni strane zn. c. 144, 148 s raz. BRATISLAVA 1 4.10.1921, pr?ch. a prich. raz. , stopy post. provozu, velmi zajimave 500
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274 KL frank. zn. c. 144 TB, 145 ve 4-bloku, r. 1922 200
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275 firemni KL frank. zn. c. 144 TBa, r. 1921 200
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