Hall auction - 26th written auction of postal stamps and paper money

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Polsko Poland
2698 10 Zlotych 1.7.1948 serie D anulat, pretisk SPECIMEN, Pi. 136, Mil. 136 600
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2699 20 Zlotych 1.7.1948 serie BY, AM, CH, CW, CZ, HM, EY, GC, KE, celkem 9ks, Pi. 137, Mil. 137b, c, d, e, f, g 600
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2700 20 Zlotych 1.7.1948 serie KE, pretisk WZ•R, Pi. CS1, Mil. 137 400
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2701 20 Zlotych 1.7.1948 serie BC 1234567 + BC 8900000, pretisk SPECIMEN, Pi. 137, Mil. 137 800
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2702 50 Zlotych 1.7.1948 serie A, BH, DP, CL, AY, celkem 5ks, Pi. 138, Mil. 138d, e, g, f, h 500
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2703 100 Zlotych 1.7.1948 serie S, B, DY, EB, FB, GE, KR, celkem 7ks, Pi. 138a, b, Mil. 138a, b, c, d, e, g 400
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2704 50 Zlotych 1.7.1948 serie A 1234567 + A 8901234, pretisk SPECIMEN, Pi. 138, Mil. 138 1000
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2705 50 Zlotych 1.7.1948 serie EL, pretisk WZ•R, Pi. CS1, Mil. 138 500
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2706 100 Zlotych 1.7.1948 serie KR, pretisk WZ•R, Pi. CS1, Mil. 139 500
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2707 100 Zlotych 1.7.1948 serie D 123456 + D 789000, pretisk SPECIMEN, Pi. 139, Mil. 139 1000
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2708 500 Zlotych 1.7.1948 serie AS, BG, celkem 2ks, Pi. 140, Mil. 140b, c 300
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2709 500 Zlotych 1.7.1948 serie CC, pretisk WZ•R, Pi. CS1, Mil. 140 500
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2710 500 Zlotych 1.7.1948 serie A 789000 + A 123456, pretisk SPECIMEN, Pi. 140, Mil. 140 1000
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2711 1000 Zlotych 29.10.1965 serie M, Pi. 141, Mil. 141a 200
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2712 1000 Zlotych 29.10.1965 serie S, pretisk WZ•R, Pi. 141s2, Mil. 141b 500
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2713 1000 Zlotych 29.10.1965 serie A, anulat, pretisk SPECIMEN, Pi. 141, Mil. 141 1000
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2714 1000 Zlotych 16.12.1974 s. AA, 15.6.1976 s. AL, 1.6.1979 s. BB, 1.6.1982 s. CL, celkem 4ks, Pi. 145a, b, c, d, Mil. 142b, 148, 153, 161 1000
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2715 50 Zlotych 9.5.1975 s. F, BM, 1.6.1979 s. BW, 1.6.1982 s. DG, 1.6.1986 s. EL, FC, 1.12.1988 s. GE, celkem 7ks, Pi. 142a, b, c, Mil. 144a, b, 150, 158, 165, 170 500
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2716 100 Zlotych 15.1.1975 s. W, 17.5.1976 s. DD, 1.6.1979 s. FE, 1.6.1982 s. HM, 1.6.1986 s. NS, NU, NL, MC, 1.12.1988 s. NM, celkem 9ks, Pi. 143a, b, c, d, e, Mil. 143a, 146, 151, 159, 166, 171 450
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2717 200 Zlotych 25.5.1976 s. A, AM, 1.6.1979 s. BH, 1.6.1982 s. BT, 1.6.1986 s. CY, 1.12.1988 s. ED, celkem 6ks, Pi. 144a, b, c, Mil. 147a, b, 152, 160, 166, 172 900
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