Numismatics - current offer

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Numismatics is the queen of collecting. Most probably, it originated in the times of antiquity when many unique coins were made. However, collectors are interested in many different coins, of various origins, types and history. Ancient coins, German coins, English coins or Czech and Czechoslovak coins are always paid attention to by collectors. In the center of numismatics' attention can be the Ducat from the time of Charles IV, as well as the St Wenceslas Ducat from the twenties and thirties, and also Kreuzer, Thaler, Crown and Franc and even minting errors and commemorative coins. Sales and purchase of antique and vintage coins are the main moving force of numismatics.

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NU 290248 20 Krejcar 1764, minc. Vídeň_ 2/2 079-1764 850 Open in new window detail
NU 290426 1/2 Tolar 1763, mincovna Hall 0/0 082-1763H 19000 Open in new window detail
NU 290249 20 Krejcar 1771 EvS-AS, minc. Praha_ -1/1- 090-1771 1500 Open in new window detail
NU 290119 Tolar 1745 KB, mincovna Kremnica_ -1/1- 099-1745KB 9500 Open in new window detail
NU 290247 20 Krejcar 1770 IB-FL, minc. Velká Baňa_ 2/2 115-1770 1500 Open in new window detail
NU 290253 20 Krejcar 1774B/SK-PD, minc. Kremnice_ -2/2 115-1774B 850 Open in new window detail
NU 290252 20 Krejcar 1780 IB-IV, minc. Velká Baňa_ -1/2 115-1780 2400 Open in new window detail
NU 17848 2 Souverain d or 1749 2/2 235-1749 43500 Open in new window detail
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