Numismatics - current offer

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Ancient Coins ANDORRA ASCENSION ISLAND AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA MONARCHY AUSTRIA MONARCHY 1564 - 1595 AUSTRIA MONARCHY 1590 - 1618 AUSTRIA MONARCHY 1607 - 1632 AUSTRIA MONARCHY 1619 - 1637 AUSTRIA MONARCHY 1637 - 1657 AUSTRIA MONARCHY 1657 - 1705 AUSTRIA MONARCHY 1705 - 1711 AUSTRIA MONARCHY 1711 - 1740 AUSTRIA MONARCHY 1735 - 1848 AUSTRIA MONARCHY 1745 - 1765 AUSTRIA MONARCHY 1765 - 1790 AUSTRIA MONARCHY 1790 - 1792 AUSTRIA MONARCHY 1792 - 1835 AUSTRIA MONARCHY 1848 - 1916 BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BOHEMIA, MORAVIA, SILESIA BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS CAMEROUN CANADA CHINA COOK ISLANDS CR - Ag commemorative coins CR - Au commemorative coins - sets CR - Au memorial coins CR - Au Memorial Medals CR - circulating coins - sets CR - Floating coins CR - Memorial Medals CSR - circulating coins ČSR - circulating coins 1945-1993 CSR - commemorative coins CSR - gold commemorative coins CSR - medals coinage CSSR - circulating coins - sets CSSR - commemorative coins CSSR - gold memorial coins DENMARK EGYPT EURO FINLAND FRANCE GAMBIA GERMANY GERMANY - German states GERMANY 1919-1945 GIBRALTER Gold Medal Coinage Europe and the World GREAT BRITAIN GREECE HAITI HUNGARY ITALY LAOS LATVIA LIBERIA MALAYSIA MALI MEDALS and PLAQUES MEXICO MOLDOVA MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS ANTILLES NEW ZELAND NIUE PALAU PANAMA PITCAIRN ISLANDS POLAND PORTUGAL REPUBLIQUE DU CONGO RWANDA SAMOA SAN MARINO SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SR - 1939-1945 SR - Ag commemorative coins SR - Au commemorative coins SR - circulating coins - sets SR - floating coins TANZANIA TCHAD TOGO TOKELAU USA VATICAN YUGOSLAVIA

Numismatics is the queen of collecting. Most probably, it originated in the times of antiquity when many unique coins were made. However, collectors are interested in many different coins, of various origins, types and history. Ancient coins, German coins, English coins or Czech and Czechoslovak coins are always paid attention to by collectors. In the center of numismatics' attention can be the Ducat from the time of Charles IV, as well as the St Wenceslas Ducat from the twenties and thirties, and also Kreuzer, Thaler, Crown and Franc and even minting errors and commemorative coins. Sales and purchase of antique and vintage coins are the main moving force of numismatics.

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NU 10167 J. C. Chaplain 1839-1909 - AE medaile Henri Moissan 1906, sign., 57 x 70 mm 1/1 650 Open in new window detail
NU 14567 Záslužné - AR medaile, Čestná cena za zásluhy v zahradnictví, Verband der Mittelfränkischen obstbauvereine, Německo 19. stol., Ag, průměr 37mm 1/0 3300 Open in new window detail
NU 14568 Sv. Jiří - Uhry, Kremnice, AR medaile sv. Jiří, pr. 42 mm, Husz. 5 0/1 7700 Open in new window detail
NU 14569 Sv. Jiří - AR medaile, 20,62g, průměr 40 mm 1/1 16500 Open in new window detail
NU 14571 Josef I. 1705-1711 - AR medaile korunovace Josefa římským králem 1690 v Augsbugu, dr. hr., Nov. 2414 1/1 22000 Open in new window detail
NU 14572 Marie Terezie 1740-1780 - AE medaile 1745 na narození Karla, pr. 46 mm, dr. hr. 1/1 2900 Open in new window detail
NU 14573 Marie Terezie 1740-1780 - AR medaile 1764 návštěva Josefa a Leopolda v Kremnici, dr. škr. 1/1 12000 Open in new window detail
NU 14574 Josef II. 1780-1790 - AR medaile 1760 na svatbu Josefa a Isabely ve Vídni 2/1 8800 Open in new window detail
NU 14576 Ferdinand V. 1835-1848 - AE medaile 1838 na holdování v Insbrucku, sign. Boehm, pr. 39 mm 0/0 7700 Open in new window detail
NU 14578 Ferdinand V. 1835-1848 - AE medaile 1838 na korunovaci v Miláně na krále Benátek, pr. 44,3 mm, Mont. 2581, Haus. 36 0/0 11000 Open in new window detail
NU 14579 Ferdinand V. 1835-1848 - AE medaile výstavba věže chrámu sv. Štěpána, sign. Roth, pr. 47 mm 0/0 7700 Open in new window detail
NU 14582 František Josef I. 1848-1916 - AE Medaile 1888 k postavení pomníku M.Terezie ve Vídni, pr. 63,5 mm, Nov. 3834 0/0 11000 Open in new window detail
NU 14583 František Josef I. 1848-1916 - AR Medaile 1895 čestná cena výstavy v Linzi, punc J-C na hraně, pr. 44 mm, Wurzbach 5214 0/0 7700 Open in new window detail
NU 14585 Korunní prinz Rudolf 1858-1889 - AR medaile 1881s belgickou princeznou Stephanií, pr. 55 mm 1/1 13500 Open in new window detail
NU 14586 Korunní prinz Rudolf 1858-1889 - AE medaile 1881s belgickou princeznou Stephanií, pr. 55 mm 0/0 9900 Open in new window detail
NU 14587 Arcivévoda Albrecht 1817-1895 - AE medaile b.d. (1877) na jeho 50-ti leté služební jubileum, pr. 63 mm, Haus. 330, etue 0/0 8800 Open in new window detail
NU 290514 Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, Anton Ulrich 1704-1714 - AR medaile 1704, Ag 45 mm, 43,68 g., Brockmann 447_ 1/1 13200 Open in new window detail
NU 290522 Cerbara Giuseppe 1770-1856 - AE pontifikační medaile Řehoře XVI. 1831, opis. Bronz 61 x 47 mm, původní ouško 0/0 1700 Open in new window detail
NU 290524 ČNS - pobočka v Ústí nad Orlicí - AE medaile 50. výročí pobočky, 2011, text. Mosaz, 50,5 mm, 85,13 g., nesignováno (V. Mareš), náklad 80 ks 0/0 250 Open in new window detail
NU 290525 ČNS - pobočka v Opavě - AE medaile národní umělec Vladislav Vančura, 1977, opis. Bronz, 60 mm, 124,65 g., signováno M.Uchytilová avers a J.V.Hampl revers, náklad 200 ks 0/0 250 Open in new window detail
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