Hall auction - 42th Spring auction of postal stamps

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Sudety / Sudetenland
983 Mor. Ostrava - zn. Mi. c. 2x pergamen. papir ve vodorovne dvoupasce, zk. Mahr BP, 800 EUR 7600
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984 Rumburk - zn. c. 3, 5, 10 - 15, 51 - 2 1000
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985 Rumburk - zn. c. 3 v 16ti-bloku s hornim okrajem 300
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986 Rumburk - zn. c. 5 - levy horni roh. 20ti-blok 450
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987 Rumburk - zn. c. 11 - levy spodni roh. kus s DU 1 A, zn. c. 28, 30 ve ctyrblocich 800
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988 Rumburk - zn. c. 49 ve vodorovne dvoupasce s hornim okrajem 300
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989 dopis do Sternberka frank. zn. c. 340 ve svisle dvoupasce s kupony s cervenym raz. DEUTSCHE REICHS. POST 9.10.38 STERNBERG 200
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990 sestava 5 ks KL s raz. JÄGERNDORF, GRULICH, NOVY JICIN 200
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991 uredni R-dopis s pod. raz. REICHENBERG 1 16.12.38 + uredni raz. a radkove frei durch Ablösung Reich, zajimave, dobra kvalita 600
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992 dopis maleho formatu frank. smisenou cs.-nemeckou frankaturou s raz. SCHRECKENSTEIN 9.10.38 v cervene a modre barve 300
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