Hall auction - 33th written auction of postal stamps

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Filtered: Slovensko 1939 - 45 celistvosti / Slovakia entires | 
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Slovensko 1939 - 45 celistvosti / Slovakia entires
799 2ks leteckych dopisu z roku 1943 200
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800 5ks pohlednic zaslanych do Brna z let 1943-44 300
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801 Sestava 15 ks celistvosti Slovenskeho statu 6x R, 2x R-Ex zajimave frankatury 500
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802 Dopis nedostatecne vyplaceny a zatizeny doplatnimi znamkami 200
260 Open in new window DOP.
803 Sestava 4 ks pohlednic pouzitych v obdobi 1939-42 300
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804 Novinova paska zaslana do Brna s petipaskou zn.c.NV 14 s DR.1.5.1942 200
200 Open in new window DOP.
805 let. dopis do Nemecka frank. zn. c. 3 a 20a, pod. raz. BRATISLAVA 26.5.39, provizorni R-nalepka 600
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806 dve celistvosti prepr. 1. letem Bratislava - Presov, resp. Presov - Bratislava s mezipristanim ve Zvolene, pod. raz. ZVOLEN 2 18.5.43, ojedinely vyskyt 1800
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807 dva R-EXPRES celistvosti frank. zn. c. L 9, prepraveny 1. letem Bratislava - Presov, resp. Presov - Bratislava 900
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808 sestava 4 ks celistvosti prepravene 1. letem Bratislava - Presov, resp. Presov - Bratislava, z toho 2x RECO 600
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809 sestava 3 ks let. dopisu (1x R-EXPRES, 1x RECO), pestre zajimave frankatury, mj. L 8 400
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