Hall auction - 45th Autum auction of postal stamps

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Filtered: Rakousko - posta v Turecku / Austria post in Levante | 
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Rakousko - posta v Turecku / Austria post in Levante
1819 Levanta - doplatni Mi. c. 1 - 5 200
200 Open in new window XX
1820 Levanta - doplatni Mi. c. 6 - 14, 360 EUR 1500
Open in new window XX
1821 Levanta - zn. Mi. c. 20 - 27, 120 EUr 600
600 Open in new window XX
1822 Levanta - zn. Mi. c. 32 - 38, 160 EUR 800
1000 Open in new window XX
1823 Levanta - zn. Mi. c. 39 - 46, 480 EUR 2200
Open in new window XX
1824 Levanta - zn. Mi. c. 47 - 52, 60 EUR 250
250 Open in new window XX
1825 Levanta - zn. Mi. c. 53 - 63, 100 EUR 450
500 Open in new window XX
1826 Levanta - kompl. sestava zn. Mi. c. 1 - 63 + PORTO 5800
Open in new window XX/X
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